Wow - the last two years have been challenging! Hearts and minds frazzled by constant pandemic anxiety, changing rules, missing our loved ones like crazy. What we need is some breathing space and dedicated time for having fun. Adults need to play too! In fact, expressing yourself artistically is excellent self-care - not only boosting confidence and wellbeing but you also get to make fabulous things!

So what do YOU want to do in 2022?

1 Stop the scroll…

We all save cool stuff we spot on our social media feeds. Imagine if it was made by you? Our creative short courses give you the excitement of live classes with real teachers and hands-on learning. You could be making your own picturesque paintings and sensational ceramics to share.

A Metaverse where you interact solely in a computer-generated environment? No thanks, we’re all about getting stuck in and getting our hands dirty!

2 A sense of achievement…

Art Academy East will teach you step by step skills to put your dreams into practice.

Our tutors are professional working artists specialising in all kinds of disciplines including painting, ceramics, design, portraiture and printmaking. These are all learnable skills taught in a big, bright, friendly studio space. And we love nurturing anxious beginners as well as coaching experienced creators.

3 Time for yourself…

We see you, working from home, fed up with Zoom, juggling the school run, yearning for real life grown-up conversation. Art Academy East teaches adults in an all adult environment. So creative spirits can relax and be inspired by fellow artists (yes, we mean you). And we have an onsite coffee bar. Because art isn’t just fuelled by inspiration. We also need cake.

4 A side hustle…

Dreaming of a new career? OK, so we can’t promise you’ll be the next Banksy, but we love nothing more than seeing anxious beginners blossom into successful artists. With expert support and guidance, many new learners go from zero confidence to selling their own work online, at events and in galleries. We can teach you solid skills. The soaring confidence will be all your own.

5 Learn to paint…(even if it’s scary!)

Then you need our ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO PAINTING COURSE. Making art can be nerve-wracking even for the most famous artists. So we’ve launched new 6 week painting courses specially for terrified beginners. Our tutors never make you feel silly for asking questions and there’s no such thing as ‘getting it wrong’. No worries if the last time you held a paintbrush was at school. We’ll go right back to basics and build the foundations from scratch. It’s fun, sociable and creative and you’ll complete at least 3 paintings in 6 weeks. You might even want to show them off!

6 Spin the wheel…

Love The Great Pottery Throw Down? If you’re an aspiring Clarice Cliff or Grayson Perry, try our POTTERY FOR BEGINNERS COURSE.

Our all NEW fully equipped pottery studio has throwing wheels (yes, like that scene from Ghost except er…with clothes!)

Step by step, you’ll learn how to hand build, throw on a wheel, glaze and create gorgeous surface designs all unique to you. Keep your ceramics for yourself or make beautiful gifts for everyone from latte lovers to plant parents.

7 Um, actually…I just want to stay at home in my pjs…

Hey - nothing wrong with that! With our great value online art courses the only thing you need to get into is your creative flow. Fun, friendly and available to access anywhere in the world. Discover your new normal at your own sweet pace.

Still not sure? Try one of our workshops..

No need to make a big commitment. We’ll provide everything - just bring an apron. The timings of our day sessions are tailored to fit in with school runs and there are evening slots too. And if you love it, we have our own art supplies shop onsite. We’ll give you advice and help you choose the right materials so you can get stuck into your new hobby straight away!

What about, you know…Covid?

We’re limiting spaces to keep everyone safe and comfortable in line with the current Government Covid-19 guidelines. We know, they change every 5 mins. Don’t worry. Whatever happens, we’re on it.

It’s amazing to have an art school near me! If only there was free parking in Norwich…

You’re in luck! Our art studio facility is easily accessible with loads of off-road parking. It’s bright, modern and brilliantly equipped with loads of exciting, creative materials and tools.

Come and play!

Sprowston is the new Shoreditch. You heard it here first…