At Art Academy East we invite you to consider yourself as an artist. Right from the moment you walk in. Don’t think that sounds like you? Time to kick out that sneaky Imposter Syndrome and embrace your inner artist! So let’s address those pesky worries…

1 - I’m worried about what other people might think, what if everyone’s better than me?

 Here’s a secret; you’re not alone. Even the most confident Art Academy East students look round the room thinking I bet everyone here is going to be better than me. But we’re not about competing with each other. You’re one of a kind, with your own unique way of seeing the world, just as special and interesting as everyone else. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or brushing up your skills, we have fantastic, patient tutors who help you start right from where you are.

2 - I’m a perfectionist

 OK. Let’s think about what that means. Have you got comparisonitis? Get frustrated because the outcomes of your art aren’t what you expected them to be? Deep down, most perfectionists are scared of rejection and failure. We sympathise with that, so we encourage you to explore and play, not get hung up on results. And to help you, we teach practical techniques giving you the tools to express what’s in your imagination. Most importantly, we encourage you to immerse yourself in the joy of the whole process, because connection beats perfection any day! Although we bet you’ll be super proud of the work you take home too!

3 - I’m too shy

 Think shyness is something you just must overcome? Well, we disagree. In fact, about 50% of us think of ourselves as shy. And shy folks are often tender-hearted empaths - exactly the kind of people who get the most out of finding a creative path to express all those great big feelings. So, we encourage you to accept your lovely shy self. Just like we will!

And if you’re a quietly sociable shy person, you’ll find art is an activity that brings people together gently, at a pace that feels safe for you.

4 - I always get it wrong

 Argh! It’s SO frustrating when you can’t get something right isn’t it?! Luckily, we teach techniques in a relaxed, yet structured way, step by patient step. You’ll learn practical skills and develop a real understanding of the craft that goes into making something. Our students say they love being able to follow exactly what our lovely tutors are doing when they need to and also have the space to experiment when they’re feeling more confident.

 From anxiety to dyslexia, our students have all kinds of challenges affecting confidence and the good news is art really helps. In fact, some people describe their experience of learning with AAE as “life-changing”. And when the team plays a part in seeing your confidence blossom, that’s a true privilege.

5 - I’m too old

 Everyone here is over 19. And there’s absolutely no upper age limit! Your fellow artists will be from all kinds of backgrounds, doing all kinds of jobs. Or they might be retired. However many years of life experience you have, this is a welcoming space where all are united by the shared sense of joy and satisfaction that comes from making something from scratch and a communal drive to hone your craft. And nothing makes you feel young like having fun learning something new in good company!

6 - I wasn’t born with any natural talent

 Picasso said “All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up”. As we get older, we get self-conscious about making art and there’s a lot of twaddle about artists just naturally producing greatness. But what really goes into producing a fabulous piece of art is hours, weeks, months and years of unseen hard work. Practice. Mistakes. Frustration. A whole load of swearing (or is that just us?!). Artistic methods can be taught, in the time-honoured tradition of skills handed down over centuries. To bring your imagination to life you need proficiency in key artistic techniques. All artists are life-long learners. You just need to begin.

7 - My teachers told me I was no good

 That says a whole lot more about your teacher than about you. If we had a pound for everyone who tells us they were criticised at school we’d be billionaires! The great thing about a class at Art Academy East is everyone’s here because they want to be. You’ll learn in an open, supportive environment feeling free to achieve and, importantly, to fail. Because the fails are how you learn. A lot of people will never have tried painting or pottery before so you don’t have to worry about keeping up or being judged. We promise you won’t get detention either! We’ve all met silly art snobs. But at Art Academy East we’re interested in who’s included. And that’s you.

8 - My family wouldn’t allow me to continue with art when I was younger

 Families eh?! They probably have your best interests at heart so let’s forgive them. After all, we’ve all heard clichés about starving artists and we all have to earn a living. So, in a world obsessed with productivity what does it mean to pursue a creative practice? Claire, Art Academy East’s founder, sees art as a vital expression of oneself.

Whether it’s painting, pottery, writing, dance, music…a creative outlet is essential for good mental health. And anyway who knows? You might make money from your art, full time or as a side hustle. But even if you don’t, there is huge pleasure in gaining the skills to really lose yourself in a satisfying hobby. And, hey, creative curiosity is infectious. You might even persuade the family to come along!

 9 - I have too many thoughts and can’t focus

 We’re all strung out coping with millions of daily micro-decisions, not to mention huge world events, so it’s not surprising our minds are in a constant spin. But…there’s something transformative about art. Just like music or meditation, hands-on creative time is a form of mindfulness, a break from all the mental noise. When you’re totally focused on something it feels like time slows down. You might call it ‘flow state’ or being ‘in the zone’. And the more confident you are in your practical art skills, the more likely you are to be completely absorbed in what you’re doing. It’s therapeutic and proven to be good for your emotional health. AAE founder and professional artist Claire feels she does her own best work when she’s not overthinking it, noting another area of the brain is used for painting and making.

 And, as one of our students said, “I wasn’t sure about evening classes but once here it’s so nice to have a break from work and do something for myself.” So consider your art class a radical act of essential self-care!

10 - I want to make something with my hands but I don’t have any original ideas

 Fans of The Great Pottery Throw Down will know even making something functional, like a pot, unlocks emotion and expression. But it’s frustrating if you don’t know how to do it. AAE founder Claire likens it to driving. To enjoy the drive, first you have to learn the skills: mirror, signal, manoeuvre. And once that technical stuff becomes automatic you can relax and play. Claire understands because she’s still working towards it herself!

 Being a maker isn’t necessarily about original ideas. We teach practical skills to give you an authentic relationship with the materials you use and foster a real understanding of the craft that goes into making something practical. And whatever you make is precious because the time and effort to create hand-made work is the antithesis of mass produced, quickly discarded fast fashion. As you gain confidence, you’ll find your materials respond to the mind of the maker. We bet you’ll surprise yourself!

11 - It takes too long

 If you can only commit time in short bursts, we have some brand-new short painting courses which take 3 weeks. You can focus on a specific medium or subject matter such as oils, watercolours or acrylics or landscapes, florals, portraits or coastal scenes. Plus we’ve got some new pottery painting workshops too.

 Keith Brymer Jones, the emotional judge on The Great Pottery Throw Down said “I know how good touching something elemental can make us feel, how necessary it is for human happiness. Working with your hands can be magically fulfilling.” We reckon everyone should carve out a bit of time for magical fulfilment!